Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Planning Our Prelim Task.

Once we had an idea of how this type of music video would be shot from looking at exarmples of similar well known bands we were split into three groups and all given segments of the same song to plan and shoot and edit and then combine them into the full song once they had been done.

The first thing that we did was to listen to the section of the song that we had been given and then went on to use a timeline to map when instruments came in and out of the song and when vocals were a dominant part.

(example of a music video timeline)

Once we had finished our time line we went on to storyboard our section of the video but sketching out the types of shots that we would be using in the video and this gave us an idea of what the video may look like and made the filming process much more efficient and fasted on the day as we onnly had a limited time in which to shoot our section of the video (about 30 minutes) and then we went on to editing it.

(example of a storyboard.)

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