In order to edit our prelim task we used Final Cut Pro and the way in which we did this was by accessing the sever and then when we had located our work and then check it out of the server in order to edit the peace and then check it back in so that it can be safely stored.
Logging shots.
we had to filter through all of our shots which were stored in the rushers bin in order to select the best shots that we need ed to tell the story and the way in which we did this was to create a log bin and then when we had found our desired take for a certain shot we had to slide it over into the log bin. We did this for all of our desired shots so that when we came to editing the shots we had all of the good useable takes in one place and did not have to filter through all of the shots that we did not need or want to use.
Organising our shots.
Using the story board as a general guide line for the shot order we had to select our desired shot and slide it down onto the story line however the shot would have the entire scene in that one shot as that was the way in which it was filmed so then using the cursor we had to crop the shot to the desired length and then we would drag down the next shot and would once again have to crop it down to size and fit it in so that the story was continued.
Shot order.
The order of the shots and the way in which it was shown was important as it needed to make sense so for example you could not start the scene with a close up you would be better off using a wide establishing shot so that the audience are immediately aware of the setting in which the scene in which is taking place. Also the type of editing used is also important in order to give thes scene a smooth apperance. exarmples of this are match on action which is when you change the camera shot in at the same time as an action occors matching this action in the other shot. This happens twice in our scene once where she throws the gun onto the table and we cut from her throwing te gun to it hitting the table and another we have a close up of her turning away to leave and mid-turn we cut to a wide shot of her leaving and this match on actionhelps to hide the fact that we have changed shot. Another important technique used is an eyeline match and this is used along side with juxtaposition in order to add a connection between two objects or people this happens in our scene when we have the point of veiw shot and we see herr looking directally into the camera and that cut to a shot of the man in the chair and this straight away tells us that this is who she was looking at in the prevoious shot.
how it worked and errors that we made.
overall the scene worked very well it was clear to me that we are in support of the female character in this scene the main shot that supports this and this was the hero shot of her walking in and this is shown by the camera shot being lower than her. the one problem that we had was the 180 rule wher in one shot we could not use as it had crossed the line.